Alliance of Catholic Health Care Mission

The Alliance of Catholic Health Care strengthens the Catholic health care ministry in California by providing a statewide forum in which Catholic health care leaders collaborate to optimize opportunities for ministry success in advocacy, leadership formation, ethics and Church relations, and other issues that enhance the common good.

Core Values

The Alliance's Mission is driven by the values of:

DignityRespect for each person as an inherently valuable member of the human community and as a unique expression of life.

Justice Advocate for systems and structures that are attuned to the needs of the vulnerable and disadvantaged and that strengthen a sense of community among all persons.

CollaborationAchieve public policy goals by working together and with other organizations at the state and national levels that share a similar vision and values.

StewardshipRecognize that the human, financial and ecological resources available for health care are limited and must be managed wisely and efficiently.